One Loud Voice

Episode 75 - No Greater Purpose! 1 Peter: Week 3

Philip & Amber Noblit Season 3 Episode 75

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In this episode we are covering 1 Peter 1:22 - 2:12. Peter calls us "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. He tells us our purpose is "to proclaim God's virtues, who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light! Join us as we discover what it means to partner with God in His mission to shine the light of His truth in a dark world.

Link to Bible Project video: The Royal Priesthood, episode 6

Link to Bible Project series on The Royal Priesthood

Questions part 1:

vs 22 - have you ever been the recipient of fake love? Peter tells us as followers of Jesus that we should be real. Love people the way we want to be loved!

Can you think of someone who made a huge impact on you because their love was real? What can we learn from their example?

vs 23-25 - Peter compares our temporary life on this earth, to our new life with God, that is eternal.

How do you value things in your life that are temporary vs things that can’t be replaced?

Peter tells us that it was through “the living and enduring Word of God” that we were given this new life.

What value should we place on God’s Word?

Questions part 2:

Chapter 2 vs 1 - Peter tells us to get rid of all the wrong ways that we have lived and treated people. Be done with them!

What are some new ways to act and treat people?

vs 2 & 3 - Peter tells us to crave more of God’s word because we’ve only tasted His kindness!

We all know what it’s like to taste something good when we are really hungry. It makes us want more! God wants to reveal more to us, He wants us to taste more of His goodness. Are you willing to spend time in His word to “grow into the full experience of your salvation”? (vs 2)

Questions part 3:

vs 4-5 - Peter paints a word picture of the temple, the place where God’s presence dwells. But we are the stones that make the temple and inhabit God’s presence. He also calls us priests, representatives of God to the world.

This is a great time to watch the Bible Project video…

What new ways of thinking about your purpose does this open up to you? How could God use you to share His goodness and presence with the world?

vs 6-8 - Peter explains the role of Jesus as the cornerstone and foundation of our faith. He also explains how the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus and became offended.

People in our day reject Jesus and are offended as well. Jesus is full of grace and love, but He is also full of truth. Not everyone wants the truth.

vs 9-10 - God has called us out of darkness into light, and He shows us mercy.

When the light comes on, we see things we didn’t see. What are some things you used to think were ok, but now you realize how destructive and bad they are? What things from your past do you see now that cause you to realize God’s mercy in your life?

vs 11-12 - Peter warns us to stay away from the things that can draw us back to our old life.

What are some things we can do to avoid temptation? Can you ask someone to help you with that?

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