One Loud Voice
One Loud Voice is a discipleship community that empowers believers to share the love of Jesus with the world. The One Loud Voice podcast is the heartbeat of our discipleship program. It's designed to inspire and equip people to live like Jesus, to be His disciples. In addition to our Bible study content, we create opportunities for people to be the hands and feet of Jesus, partnering with local churches and mission organizations to help them reach the world. We believe it is time to take the challenge of Jesus and “Go into all the world and make disciples.” Together, we can be - One Loud Voice.
One Loud Voice
Episode 55 - Help People in Need
Show Notes
Matthew 25:34-40 NLT
We overcomplicate what it looks like to be a disciple. Most times, it’s just loving and serving the needs of the people in front of us.
Question #1: What are some distractions or fears in your life that keep you from helping others?
We have to be intentional about making other people a priority:
- Purpose to live like this
- Pay attention to people and what they are going through
- Be willing to be inconvenienced
Question #2: Do you sometimes/often make up excuses to get out of helping people?
Luke 10:25-29 NLT
Vs. 30 Jesus replied with a story...
Luke 10:33 NLT
Question #3: Is it easier for you to have compassion for someone who is going through something you have experienced?
Q4: Who is someone you know that makes a habit of helping people? What do you admire about them?
John 13:35 NLT ”Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”“
Look for someone to help: an elderly person, someone struggling with a subject, a friend that needs help moving, ect…
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