One Loud Voice
One Loud Voice is a discipleship community that empowers believers to share the love of Jesus with the world. The One Loud Voice podcast is the heartbeat of our discipleship program. It's designed to inspire and equip people to live like Jesus, to be His disciples. In addition to our Bible study content, we create opportunities for people to be the hands and feet of Jesus, partnering with local churches and mission organizations to help them reach the world. We believe it is time to take the challenge of Jesus and “Go into all the world and make disciples.” Together, we can be - One Loud Voice.
One Loud Voice
Episode 53 - Don't Judge
Show Notes
Matthew 7:1-2 AMP
Q1: In what ways do making assumptions about people, limit, or impact our opinion of them?
Examples of how Jesus accepted and loved people:
Matthew, Mary Magdalene, Zacchaeus, Women at the well, Demoniac, Women caught in adultery
Q2: How do the ways that Jesus dealt with people, that most of us would quickly judge, challenge you to live differently?
Colossians 3:12-15 NLT
Paul tells us to "clothe ourselves" with mercy, kindness, humility, love, etc... Many things listed are fruits of the Spirit.
Q3: What is one fruit of the Spirit that you find hard to demonstrate?
Make a conscious effort to improve. Choose everyday to “clothe yourself” with that characteristic.
3 ways to curb judgement:
Refrain from prejudice
Keep an open heart and mind towards people
Listen for God’s voice, for the Holy Spirit to speak to you
Pick someone you find easy to judge. On purpose be more considerate of them. Try to have a conversation with them and find out what their story is. Be ready for God to use you!
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