One Loud Voice
One Loud Voice is a discipleship community that empowers believers to share the love of Jesus with the world. The One Loud Voice podcast is the heartbeat of our discipleship program. It's designed to inspire and equip people to live like Jesus, to be His disciples. In addition to our Bible study content, we create opportunities for people to be the hands and feet of Jesus, partnering with local churches and mission organizations to help them reach the world. We believe it is time to take the challenge of Jesus and “Go into all the world and make disciples.” Together, we can be - One Loud Voice.
One Loud Voice
Episode 35 - My Redeemer
My Redeemer - Show Notes
Point #1 - Accepting God’s redemption
1. Do you sometimes, or often, have a hard time accepting God’s gift of forgiveness and redemption for yourself?
Deuteronomy 28 - Blessings and Cursing
2. Can you wrap your mind around how God’s love for you is constant, but your actions can hinder your relationship with Him?
3. Have you ever asked yourself the question: “How did I get here?”
Point #2 - Redemption must become a reality in our life
Romans 6:23 NIV
4. Do you understand why a price has to be paid for your sin?
“You can’t pay for something that’s already been paid.” - from podcast
5. How often do you still try to pay for your sin? Why?
Point #3 - The battlefield is in the mind
Romans 10:9-13
Luke 6:45
“Whatever is inside of you, comes out when you talk” - from podcast
6. When the king of replay (satan) reminds you of all your mistakes, what can you do to overcome that? Do you know scriptures to stand on in that moment?
“Take every thought captive, and you can only do that with scripture” - from podcast
Additional scriptures on redemption to study and discuss:
2 Corinthians 5:19, Galatians 3:13-14, Ephesians 1:7, Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 1:18, Revelation 5:9, Psalms 49:7-9, Luke 1:67-75
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